Visions of Kariba

Where: Salisbury (Rhodesia), Rhodes National Gallery Date: 1960 This is probably one of Novaresio’s most original exhibitions. The works displayed here focus on the construction of the Kariba dam: the artist portrayed the creation of the reservoir through drawings of views and workers.  This exhibition (which also included the works..Leggi di più

Genova, Galleria San Matteo 1953

Where: Genoa, Galleria San Matteo Date: 1953 The exhibition focused on the ‘birth’ of a ship in the shipyard. Novaresio treated this subject (which was fashionable at the time) without rhetoric: he did not use an evocative or descriptive tone, but his drawings are sharp, schematic and precise, just like..Leggi di più

Sassari, Padiglione dell’artigianato

Where: Sassari, Padiglione dell’Artigianato, Date: 1963 According to the newspapers of that period, the exhibition was largely appreciated by the public and critics, who saw in Novaresio’s African paintings “an unconventional Africa, portrayed through an in-depth knowledge of various countries: Somalia, Rhodesia, Tanganyika and South Africa”. Images and scans La..Leggi di più

Prima Mostra Nazionale d’Arte Sociale

Where: Genoa, Palazzo Reale Date: 1946   The provincial socialist federation organized this event, in order to celebrate the new social myths, such as work. The exhibition, however, was not successful, due to its propaganda purposes and the illustrative style of many paintings. Images and scans Emporium, anno LII, vol.CV,..Leggi di più