Mogadiscio (Somalia), Museo della Garesa

Luogo: Mogadiscio (Somalia), Museo della Garesa Anno: 1956 Novaresio ritornò ad esporre in questa sede a distanza di un anno. Alle pareti si allineavano una serie di incisioni rappresentanti figure di donne somale, ritratte in ritmici movimenti di danza o in solide maternità. L’amico Camillo Bonanni, recensendo la mostra, evidenziò..Leggi di più

Genova, Circolo della Stampa

Where: Genoa, Circolo della Stampa Date: 1954 When Novaresio came back from his first trip to Somalia, he brought with him the results of his African artistic research. As critics pointed out, the artist was not interested in ‘easy’ exoticism: on the contrary, he wanted to portray reality with incisive..Leggi di più

Genova, Galleria Genova e l’Isola 1948

Where: Genoa, Galleria Genova e l’Isola Date: 1948 In this solo exhibition, Novaresio displayed only a series of drawings. Critics, who had always appreciated the artist’s drawing skills, once again pointed out the dialectical relationship between abstract and figurative art. Images and scans Emporium, anno LIV, vol. CVII, n.639 Il..Leggi di più

LXXXV Esposizione Promotrice di Belle Arti

Where: Genoa, Palazzo Rosso Date: 1939 The annual exhibitions of the Società Promotrice di Belle Arti (whose aim was to promote artistic production) presented a wide selection of Genoese and Ligurian artists. The works displayed were very heterogeneous, and many of the painters were innovative, although they rarely won the..Leggi di più

Artisti d’oggi

Where: Genoa, Galleria Euro Romano Date: 1945 The difficulties caused by the war did not stop the activity of Euro Romano. The exhibition shows how this gallery was still trying to display the works of some of the most representative artists of the time, including Birolli, Sassu, Vedova, together with..Leggi di più

Mostra di “bianco e nero”

Luogo: Genova, Galleria Genova e l’Isola Anno: 1947 Grandi consensi furono espressi per questa esposizione totalmente dedicata all’arte grafica, non solo per i disegni degli autori più celebri (Modigliani, Scipione) ma anche per le opere presentate dai giovani (Mesciulam, Borella, Fieschi,Novaresio) Immagini e scansioni Corriere del Popolo 2 novembre 1947..Leggi di più

III Mostra regionale d’Arte

Where: Genoa, Galleria Rotta Date: 1948 Critics considered Novaresio’s Deposizione dalla Croce [Deposition from the Cross] as one of the most interesting works of the entire exhibition: a painting far from the traditional representation of the evangelical episode, but still dramatic. On this occasion, Novaresio received an important prize. Images..Leggi di più

Genova, Caffè Venchi

Where: Genoa, Caffè Venchi Date: 1949 The peculiarity of this exhibition is its venue: a real café, where you could admire paintings while enjoying a drink. This was not the only example of this sort: in the 1940s, any place could indeed become an exhibition venue (furniture factories, barracks, hotels)…Leggi di più