La Somalia
- Where: Roma, Museo Nazionale Preistorico ed Etnografico Luigi Pigorini
- Year: 2013
Questa recente mostra itinerante (precedentemente allestita presso la Galleria Nazionale dello Zimbabwe di Harare), ha portato per la prima volta In Italia i disegni esposti in Rhodesia per l’inaugurazione della diga di Kariba. A Novaresio si affiancano altri artisti coevi e contemporanei con opere che offrono diverse visioni del medesimo tema.In occasione dell’allestimento a Roma, la mostra si è arricchita di una sezione di arte contemporanea dello Zimbabwe.Immagini e scansioni
Dal mulino al museo: uno studio d’artista per la Galleria d’Arte Moderna
Where: Genoa, Frugone Collections
Date: 2001
An opportunity to learn about the artist, not only through his works, but also through his work environment: Novaresio’s family donated to the Modern Art Gallery a series of paintings and the working tools preserved in the mill of Godiasco, Novaresio’s last atelier. The museum organized a series of educational activities, aimed to understand the artist’s painting technique.
Giovanni Novaresio I ritratti
- Where: Fortunago, Pavia, Town Hall
Date: 1997
The artist died while working on the preparation of this exhibition, which became the first posthumous exhibition dedicated to him. Portraits had always been one of his main focuses. This exhibition showed the different ways the artist approached this genre, not only through different techniques (drawings or paintings), but also through heterogeneous expressive choices.
Images and scans
- Where: Fortunago, Pavia, Town Hall
Appunti per due secoli e mezzo di arte figurativa a Voghera – Da Paolo Borroni alle soglie del Duemila
- Appunti per due secoli e mezzo di arte figurativa a Voghera – Da Paolo Borroni alle soglie del Duemila, Voghera, Salone Ex Banca d’Italia, 1995
Where: Voghera, Salone Ex Banca d’Italia
There are few documentary records of this exhibition, which is still under investigation.
Genova, Galleria San Benigno
- Where: Genoa, Galleria San Benigno
Date: 1993
Small exhibition organized for the opening of the art gallery.
Images and scans
- Where: Genoa, Galleria San Benigno
Prima esposizione di pittura e scultura per artisti liguri, Nuova Promotrice di Belle Arti
- Where: Genoa, Palazzo Ducale, Loggia degli Abati
Date: 1993
The aim of the event was to re-establish the tradition of these annual exhibitions, devoted to paintings and sculptures by Ligurian artists. Novaresio displayed an abstract painting, his main focus in those years.
Voghera, Galleria Bottega d’arte
- Where: Voghera, Galleria Bottega d’Arte
Date: 1991
Despite his age, Novaresio kept experimenting in the field of abstraction.
- Where: Voghera, Galleria Bottega d’Arte
Voghera, ex Caserma di Cavalleria e Museo d’Arte Contemporanea del castello di Montesegale
- Where: Voghera, Ex Caserma di Cavalleria and Museum of Contemporary Art in the castle of Montesegale
Date: 1988
Festival Internazionale del Sacro
- Where: Spoleto
Date: 1988
For the occasion, Novaresio exhibited a large painting, Crocefissione [Crucifixion].
Via Crucis
- Where: Voghera, Palazzo Gounela
Date: 1986
Through essential but powerful etchings, in 1949 Novaresio illustrated the cycle of the Via Crucis. After more than thirty years, the etching plates were ‘rediscovered’ and given to Novaresio’s friend, the lithographer Miles Fiori.
Images and scans
- Where: Voghera, Palazzo Gounela